Upcoming events at the cornerHOUSE


tue02may7:00 pmtue9:00 pmSURBITON HILL7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Event Type Social,Talk

Event Details

Surbiton Hill’s memorable historical events can be said to have started in the late summer of 1648 when a final skirmish if the Civil War took place in this area.

Berrylands Farm and Fishponds House had been built by the mid to late eighteenth century. Then the main area was common land, with Ewell Road running through it, with a few dwellings and hostelries either side.

The nineteenth century saw the enclosure of the common land and the building of the railway line through the hill, in time, completely changing the nature of the area.

Surbiton Hill is often overlooked in favour of Surbiton town, but it was the place where the council offices, library and fire station were built. It has a much longer history than the town.

The talk will not only look at these events but also at the people involved as major players, but also some who took a lesser part…

Doors open at 7.00pm. Talk starts at 7.30pm
The talk is presented by the Surbiton and District Historical Society. Tickets must be booked in advance. Booking and further information is available by emailing Paul (paulhowardlang1011@gmail.com).
Non-members are asked to contribute £2 when they attend events



(Tuesday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


the cornerHOUSE

116 Douglas Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 7SB